About Planning Area 2

  • Located in the North City deanery. There are 9 territorial parishes and 1 elementary school in this planning area. The Shrine of St. Joseph, privately run by volunteers, is also in the planning area.
  • Total population in the planning area in the 2020 census was down 18% from 2010, a continuation of a decades long decline in population.
  • The area is primarily African-American (82%), and only 2% of the resident population is Catholic, lowest of any planning area.
  • Median household income in the area is $27,527, the lowest of any of our planning areas.
  • A 23% decline in Mass attendance during the past decade.
  • In the 8 parishes combined excluding St. Francis Xavier parish:
    • Pre-COVID: 1,200 persons attended weekend Mass
    • Post-COVID: 700 persons attended weekend Mass
    • Currently there are 6 diocesan and 5 order priests assigned to this planning area.
  • Long term, there may be only 2 diocesan priests available for ministry in this planning area.

Parish Feedback Summaries

A team of nearly 50 volunteers, including religious orders, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary faculty and staff, associate pastors, permanent deacons and lay people recently synthesized all the information the Archdiocese of St. Louis has received regarding its 178 parishes during the All Things New process. Information gathered included feedback from key parish leaders, parish listening sessions, online surveys, individual letters and emails. All of this is geared toward Archbishop Rozanski making a well-informed, discerned decision for the spiritual well-being of the Archdiocese, looking at the feedback of the people and the needs of the Archdiocese.

Volunteers were asked to follow four guidelines: that they offer a fair representation of what people said; include the real contradictions and tensions reflected in the feedback; offer the good ideas and key insights shared; and ensure they are concise. Volunteers were not allowed to synthesize any information for parishes in their own planning area.

The All Things New planning committee is expected to refine the draft models to one model per planning area. Armed with the feedback summaries, parish workbooks and financial data, the team will analyze each model to ensure each one has the resources to sustain the new structure. The question to be answered, whether they have the resources to invest in a more vibrant parish staff and ministries than what they currently have Another round of draft model options will be shared with the priests in early February, with a period of feedback and the final proposed plan expected after that. Other factors will come under consideration, including redrawing maps of the archdiocese and priest reassignments.

It is expected that by the end of April, Archbishop Rozanski will have met with Consultors to review final draft models, and then he will have a month to pray and discern before announcing a final decision on May 28, the feast of Pentecost. Implementation of these plans will take effect beginning in fall 2023 through 2026.

    Planning Area Map

    The Draft Model Process:


    First Draft Models- Fall

    Second Draft Models- Winter

    Planning Committee Recommendations- Spring

    Parish Workbooks

    The Parish Workbooks give parishioners relevant demographic, ministerial, and financial data about the Archdiocese of St. Louis, their local planning area, and their specific parish. The data contained in the Parish Workbook was created by the Pastoral Planning Committee and validated by pastors and Key Parish Leaders over the past several months. The workbooks incorporate data gathered over the past twenty years from parishes across the Archdiocese of St. Louis and highlights historical trends which inform future projections for parish life. The Parish Workbooks will be updated soon to include 2022 Mass counts.

    Most Holy Trinity (St. Louis)

    Our Lady of the Holy Cross (St. Louis)

    St. Alphonsus Liguori (Rock) (St. Louis)

    St. Augustine (St. Louis)

    St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist (St. Louis)

    St. Francis Xavier (St. Louis)

    St. Matthew the Apostle (St. Louis)

    St. Nicholas (St. Louis)

    Sts. Teresa & Bridget (St. Louis)

    Our Address

    Archdiocese of St Louis
    20 Archbishop May Dr.
    St. Louis, MO 63119

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    (314) 792-7005

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